Domain and web hosting for 1 year


Domain and web hosting for 1 year
Domain and web hosting for 1 year

Register Your Domain Name For Your Website And direct Admin Web hosting for 1 year.

Hosting Package :
- Unlimited SSD Storage
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Unlimited Addon domain
- Unlimited FTP/Email Account
- Unlimited MySQL Database
- Multi PHP Version 4.4 - 7.4
- Free SSL ( Grade A - A+ )
- Developer Tools ( SSH, Node.js, Python, Dll )
- Weekly Backup
- Softaculous
- DDoS Protection
- 99.9% Uptime
- German Server

Domain Extension : Choose one .COM .NET .ORG .CO.IN, .NL, .CO.UK (wildwestdomain)

Question: Can I host WordPress?
Answer: Yes, You can hosting wordpress website.

Question: Can I Continue at same price when renew?
Answer: Yes , You can renew at same price.

Question: Do you provide online support by tiket system?
Answer: Yes, We have support by company.

Question: Can I host news website or eCommerce website?
Answer: Yes, You can do.

Question: Can I get demo ?
Answer: Yes!! Contact me.
Buy this service in two easy steps Order Now $6

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