I will add your website/blog to AmbraDirectory


I will add your website/blog to AmbraDirectory
I will add your website/blog to AmbraDirectory - one of the strongest web directory.

Alexa Rank ~1300k
PA = 45 DA = 35 (check date 12/08/2017)

Regular price is $15.

Lifetime listing.
You listing will stay for years. There is NO pbn link which is removed after months or when domain is expired!

Unacceptable Sites
1. Adult sites or adult related content.
2. Site made for adsense or other ad services.
3. No sites broken links.
4. Sites containing violence, fraud, racism, pornography (any kind), vulgarity or warez.
5. No gambling/casino/poker, cigarettes/tabacco, politics, religion, (christmas), weapon, astrology/numerology, tarot related web sites
6. Astrology, numerology, tarot, psychic reading,
7. Abortion services, abortion drugs.
8. Windows support services (printer support etc)

IF you are not sure if you site will be accepted - just ask
Buy this service in two easy steps Order Now $12

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